Robert Charles Kubiak Uncategorized Missed Opportunities

Missed Opportunities

Before I get into the topic of today’s blog, an update: I haven’t done any additional work on my Camp Nano story nor the piece for my next critique. I hope to rectify that by next week, since the amount of softball/baseball games is about to go down considerably, and that should free up my time a lot more. Whether I make good use of that freer time is to be seen.

I, as happens for all of us, have missed lots of opportunities, either by being unaware, or not going for them. There are a number of people in my sphere of influence who either have recently had stories published, or will in the near future. I won’t deny that I’m jealous of that, but the fact of the matter is that other than 2 tries in 2017, I haven’t submitted anything. I’ve avoided rejection, but I haven’t given myself the opportunity to potentially get published.

On the flip side, I recently got immensely arrogant/presumptuous with regard to a submission opportunity. The first round of a micro flash fiction contest was this past Saturday. Using a set genre, action and word, one had the task of writing a story of 100 words in 24 hours, with the chance to move onto a smaller pool of writers if you made it past Round 1. As I reviewed the rules before the sign-up deadline, I read that the second round would take place when I would be unavailable to write at all, since I would be not only out of town, but very likely out of range of an internet connection. So I didn’t even bother signing up.

I’d like to think I’m a decent writer, but why did I let myself give up like that? Granted, my Saturday was full enough with the second day of a garage sale and a Pokémon Go Community Day, and I had a lot of fun participating in the latter if not so much the former. Plus, with running one of the cameras for my church Sunday morning, I didn’t have the luxury of staying up until midnight working on a piece should I need it.

But it would have been worth it for the experience! I can’t get better as a writer if I don’t write, and since one of my goals is improving my flash (fiction) game, this would have been an excellent chance to hone my skills. Especially since the odds are good I wouldn’t have made it to the second round anyway. And if I had, so what? So I wouldn’t be able to keep going because I almost certainly wouldn’t be able to participate? Would that have been so bad?

I’ll eventually get over myself for letting this chance pass me by. And with summer break for my kids hitting in just over 2 weeks, I need to make time for writing so I get my slush pile into better standing. Not only for critiques, but for potential submissions. Or, you know, I could find somewhere to submit and write a new story for it. What a concept?

Any writing regrets out there in reader land? Let’s work together to make the Hot Writer Summer!