Robert Charles Kubiak Uncategorized Everybody Must Get Slumped

Everybody Must Get Slumped

What is it about Week 2 of Nano that hits almost everyone, even someone who has gone through the process so many times, and makes it a slog to get the words on the page?

Maybe I pushed too hard to create a buffer before this weekend (GR Comic Con, when I won’t write too much), only for me to hit a wall that made it difficult to get much more than par each day. And, if I’m honest, if it weren’t for the reward for hitting at least par every day, I might not have written much at all. I could update with one word and still maintain the streak. But I want all the badges! Curse that superfluous reward!

Except I don’t curse it. I like that it drives me on. I know it’s helped a lot of people over the years. We all want to get our stories out of us. Many of us lack the motivation outside of Nano. So we do what we can to keep going while we have thousands upon thousands of others writing with us.

I’m only moderately freaking out about being as far behind where I want to be right now, but I did realize today that once I’m through Comic Con, I will still have just over half the month to go, and that’s still a lot of time. I look forward to gaining ground. I also look forward to fully getting my outline in order. If that means there are story beats I’ve missed, maybe I’ll add them in somehow, maybe I’ll skip them. I’ll only know when I check them over. After all, sometimes what seems important in planning doesn’t end up being that way when it’s time to write.

Get all the sleep you can, and make sure to back up your novel.