Robert Charles Kubiak Uncategorized Thanks for the Memories

Thanks for the Memories

It’s a special Birthday edition of a blog post. Because if I want to dangle the hope of interaction, I might as well exploit the fact that I’m getting older.

Big surprise: I’m behind on this month’s novel, though with it not technically being a novel, that has helped somewhat. I’m actually farther along this month than in any of the other incomplete works from the year. I think combined even, though I haven’t opened up all those files to confirm (in part, because I don’t want to get depressed about it all).

It turns out I like writing about myself. Or certain parts, anyway. After opening how I wanted to (and starting out on the first day with more than daily par), I started to get behind, and wanted to generate words more quickly and easily. So, I jumped to my love life.

It turns out, I’ve dated (or close to dated) a lot of different women and girls over the years, and remember a good deal about a lot of those relationships. Whether recounting them is as interesting for others as it has been for me to reminisce, and see the lessons of what didn’t work, I may never know. I’m not sure I intend to show this to anyone, though after I’m gone, maybe someone will get a kick out of it?

But, considering I’m only into college, and I’ve written something like 12K on relationships alone, with quite a lot to still get through, it’s looking like dating is taking up a disproportionate part of my memoir. I doubt I can contain all I plan to include in this within 50K, and that’s okay. Maybe what I get down by that point will be all, or maybe I’ll add to it in a different month (or when the year is over).

Speaking of adding to pieces after their month is up, I haven’t added to anything unfinished. I had hoped to keep ahead on the memoir, and add to other stuff as possible, but that hasn’t happened. I think I need to shift how I operate over the next two weeks of July to figure out if I can make it all work. Or maybe I’ll get so caught up in writing the memoir that I blast past 50K and keep going. It could happen.

Whether this month’s project gets finished by the end of the month, I do hope I can get to 50K by the end, so I can at least reset that expectation again. I think that’s been part of the problem with the two projects that finished outside of their months, that it cut into the time for the next piece. I might be happy with how things turned out in the Romance, and especially the Historical Fiction (I plan to edit that one to better include slang from the time, and flesh some stuff out, and see about shopping it around for publication, but after this year is out). I just need to get back on track, and maybe I can salvage most of the year with complete novels.

Hey, it could happen.