Robert Charles Kubiak Uncategorized Roller Coaster Writing

Roller Coaster Writing

Once again, I remembered that I had forgotten to update as usual. But what was I going to report? That I was late on the critiques for my writing group? That was about all the info I had for last week, so I let it pass.

But there has been quite a bit going on this time around. I got the results of the 2nd round of one of my writing contests (the one I took 1st place in during Round 1). I had such high hopes, but alas, I didn’t place, so I don’t get to move on. I regret staying up last night to see the results, because either way I knew it would be difficult to get to sleep. And yet I did, so I was up way too late, was tired today, and took a long nap, that will throw me off for the next couple of days, I’m sure.

Of course I would have liked to have gotten to go on. I really liked this story, even if it was heavy on some exposition in places. I do appreciate the praise comments I got from the judges, because that stuff is always nice to get. I just wish it had impressed them enough to help me move on.

On the other hand, however, it might not be so bad that I came up short. This weekend is another softball tournament for my daughter. There is also another Pokémon Go Community Day on Saturday. All of this would get in the way of me being able to focus on writing the next story, so what would be the odds that I would get past this next round even if I had succeeded in the last? I’ll never know.

Still, I’m glad I got to write this story, because not only was it fun, but it gave me inspiration for another one of my projects, so that’s an added bonus. I’m also glad I submitted this story (plus my 100-word piece from a different contest) to my writing group before I got the results, so I didn’t have that hanging over me as much. I still get to wait until next week to hear what the other members have to say, so maybe I’ll freak out over it anyway.

School is almost out, and my writing group will continue to meet, but it’s difficult to know how productive the next few months will be. Thankfully there’s another Camp Nano session in July. If anything, I can count on that to help keep me going. Deadlines are always helpful. (Now if only I could create and stick to ones I set for myself.)