Robert Charles Kubiak Uncategorized Rainy Writer Summer

Rainy Writer Summer

I was about to post a general update on my Facebook writer page when I realized how long that post was getting and thought, “I should blog about it! It’s Wednesday, after all!”

Today I declared my July Camp Nano project on the Camp Nano site (which is really the regular Nano site, but with the theme of the summer camp months). It was time to admit that I wasn’t going to finish the April Camp project that had itself started in November. But I think this will turn out to be better for the story in the long run. It’ll be easier to focus, at least, with a proper deadline and all.

But that doesn’t mean I’m slacking on the writing front. Last night I had my latest critique in my twice-monthly writing group, and the notes I got were mostly on things I hadn’t thought of, and not things I had worried over in terms of pacing and all that. Since it’s an action piece, knowing I have a lot of those beats down is encouraging. I just need to take the notes and polish this up to make it even better. Maybe so it’s ready for submission somewhere?

Also, my once-monthly writing group is working on two group writing projects. My leg of one of them is ongoing, and I have until next Friday to get that submitted. It’s not too long a segment (about 1500 words), so it shouldn’t be too difficult, but it’s setting things up for everyone to work after me, and it’s supposed to have the inciting incident, so on that front I might struggle more. I hope it works out. The other project will hit my turn later in the summer, in August, I think.

Remember a few posts ago where I talked about my arrogance regarding a writing contest, and how I didn’t attempt it because if I got into the next round, I wouldn’t be available to participate again? Well, I found another writing contest that’s coming up next month, and while I haven’t signed up yet, I plan to. Gotta get more experience under my belt. Or in this case, any experience at all, since I’ve never done something like this. I’m nervous but excited. Should be a good time.

So I have plenty to keep me busy over the summer in terms of writing. Although I realize that with the kids out of school, the time to spend on that is precious and few. Although with how much rain has hit the last few days, and the baseball/softball games that have been cancelled because of it, there have been some extra minutes to squeeze in some work. And our time at the fields ends next week anyway.

One last thing: I haven’t really talked about books I’ve been reading (other than having a Goodreads widget that shows you what I’m currently reading), but I would be remiss if I didn’t plug Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. I’m just over halfway through it, and it’s pretty great. Like the rest of his books. If you’re into sci-fi, give his stuff a read, particularly this one. Lots of fun.

Anyway, it’s my anniversary, and I have dinner plans. Without the kids, even.